Night Demons

Deliverance from Night Demons
* The information in this book is a summary from many articles on 
            the Internet and personal experiences from the “Healing Team Den Bosch”   
What are Night Demons?           
          3.       What are they?  Incubus and
          4.       Do they really exist?
          6.       What is their purpose?
                    Where do they come from?
          9.       How do you get delivered?
                    Categories of night spirits
          10.     Extra notes
                    What the Bible says about spirits
          12.     Many names for night spirits

More about Night Demons 
          14.     Spiritual spouses
                   Characteristics of spiritual wife/husband
                   Where can they enter?
          15.     Signs of their presence
                   Overcoming the spirit husband/wife
          16.     Prayer section
                   Spirit wife and spirit husband
                   False faces
          17.     Description of encounters
          18.     Real life experiences
          19.     What problems can they cause?

More Actual Testimonies
          24.    2016  Whitness: spiritual spouse

Bible Verses   31.

Steps for Deliverance
          33.     Here are the steps for deliverance

Deliverance Prayers
          35.     Deliverance prayers
          36.     The exorcism of Sr. Magdalena de la Cruz  1546
          37.     Names of Night Demons
            38.       Charisma Magazine "Can you be raped by the devil?"

What are Night Demons?

Luke 6:18 says:
"And they that were vexed [troubled] with unclean spirits; and they were healed." 
The word vexed in this scripture is ochleo which means to be troubled and molested by demons.

Different names:
Incubus and Succubus – Sex Demons of the Night - Spiritual spouse – Spirit Husband or Wife – Demons of Lust – Night spirits - sex demons

Incubi and succubi [Latin](Singular: Incubus/succubus)
According to ancient tradition, there are two main classifications of demons that sexually molest humans—the incubi that assault women and the succubi that seduce men. The incubi were said to seduce unsuspecting women by appearing to them in the guise of their husbands or lovers, and as one might suspect, the incubi played an important role in the history of the Inquisition. Even pious nuns appeared before the tribunals, attesting to their affliction by persistent incubi that tried to persuade them to break their vows of chastity. Epidemics of demon possession and erotomania[1] swept such convents as Loudon, Louviers, Auxonne, and Aixen-Provence. [2]
The incubus could prove to be a jealous lover. In April 1533, according to old church records, an incubus became enraged when he discovered his human mistress in the arms of the son of the tavern keeper at Schilttach, near Freiburg. In his furious state of mind, the incubus not only set the tavern ablaze, but he burned the entire village to the ground.
These are just basic, secular definitions of these two spirits which are also commonly referred to as “sex demons” or “night demons”. These demons are primarily spirits of sexual perversion. Whenever we are talking about demons, always remember not to put too much merit into the common names that they are called by. Spirits go by many names; even God and satan are identified by numerous names and titles in the Bible. Night demons are no more than spirits of  lust. They are a powerful, high-ranking class of demons. In the Occult world, a satanic witch or warlock can astral project[3] themselves in spirit and have intercourse with people in their dreams.
When an incubus or succubus is associated with one particular witch or sorcerer, both incubus and succubus are known as magistellus, or "familiar" spirits.
* If you are a true Christian with no secrets and no open doors, demons cannot torment you or harass you!!!

Maybe you are wondering how it is possible for demon spirits to have intercourse with humans. Throughout the Bible there is plenty of evidence that spirits can take on some type of physical form and function as such. Genesis 6 :1-8 Then the people began to multiply on the earth, and daughters were born to them. The sons of God[4] (fallen angels) saw the beautiful women and took any they wanted as their wives. Then the Lord said, “My Spirit will not put up with humans for such a long time, for they are only mortal flesh. In the future, their normal lifespan will be no more than 120 years.”
In those days, and for some time after, giant Nephilites lived on the earth, for whenever the sons of God had intercourse with women, they gave birth to children who became the heroes and famous warriors of ancient times.
The Lord observed the extent of human wickedness on the earth, and he saw that everything they thought or imagined was consistently and totally evil. So the Lord was sorry he had ever made them and put them on the earth. It broke his heart. And the Lord said, “I will wipe this human race I have created from the face of the earth. Yes, and I will destroy every living thing—all the people, the large animals, the small animals that scurry along the ground, and even the birds of the sky. I am sorry I ever made them.” But Noah found favor with the Lord.

How can a demon hold a person down physically and stimulate their body? Well, we see cases in the Bible where demons are known to take control of the physical body, cause it to foam at the mouth, and all sorts of things (Mark 9:17-18[5]). We also see God's holy angel (who are without a physical body), physically wrestling with Jacob (see Genesis 32:24-26[6] & Hosea 12:4[7].)

Where does the Bible clue us in on these demons?
While the gospels were too brief to cover many stories of healing and deliverance, it makes it clear that deliverance and healing ministry were taking place at alarming rates:
And his fame went throughout all Syria: and they brought unto him all sick people that were taken with divers diseases and torments, and those which were possessed with devils, and those which were lunatick, and those that had the palsy; and he healed them.

Job15:12-17 “This truth was given to me in secret, as though whispered in my ear. It came to me in a disturbing vision at night, when people are in a deep sleep. Fear gripped me, and my bones trembled. A spirit swept past my face, and my hair stood on end. The spirit stopped, but I couldn’t see its shape. There was a form before my eyes. In the silence I heard a voice say, ‘Can a mortal be innocent before God? Can anyone be pure before the Creator?’
Satan, who is a spirit, took on the physical form of a serpent and spoke to Eve (Rev 12:9, Gen 3:1-4). So there is no need to be mystified by these spirits; there is no question in my mind as to whether or not these spirits do indeed exist. As a matter-of-fact, I know by virtue of my own personal experience that they do exist. The encounters that people share about sex demons are actual experiences, as opposed to schizophrenic episodes which is how doctors try de-validating these experiences.
Whether or not you are being attacked by these spirits is usually pretty obvious. They manifest themselves to your conscious mind and cause you to experience all of the stimulation and physical feelings that take place during intercourse or sexual contact with a physical person. People are sometimes mystified by these spirits. The demons most often reveal themselves to people during the night-time hours, but can manifest themselves at any time of the day. Many people claim to actually see spirit bodies that come and subject them to various sexual acts. These spirits are often violent and will attack you – beating, choking and restraining you. They may even disturb things in your home and break things. Think of them as you would an extremely abusive sex partner or rapist and you will start to get a picture of what these spirits are all about.
Another effect these spirits have on people is causing overwhelming sexual urges in the body. You will know that you are being attacked by demons if the sexual urges are so strong that they completely take over your mind. This can happen at any time but tend to be most common when you are lying down. You cannot think about anything else and it seems like nothing you do to make the urges go away work (i.e. a cold shower, involving yourself in another activity, shifting positions, etc.). It would seem that the only relief for the urge is to masturbate. Sometimes you will have the orgasm spontaneously and they are usually stronger than usual. If you have these types of urges THEY ARE NOT NORMAL. Now please understand that I am not saying that every powerful sexual urge in the body is due to a demonic manifestation. Strong sexual urges can be purely hormonal; or just good old-fashioned arousal at the thought of enjoying intercourse with your marriage partner. When sexual urges come on suddenly without warning; at times that seem inappropriate; or without any external stimuli; and you simply cannot control them without having an intense battle, that is when you know they are demonic.
Childhood molestation is the main doorway for incubus and succubus spirits to enter into your life. The other main doorway is witchcraft.
This class of demon is also responsible for sex dreams: those are dreams during which you are engaged in sexual contact or intercourse, or dreams in which your body has a spontaneous orgasm.  And one much less obvious manifestation is nightmares – realistic, graphic, heart-stopping nightmares that rob you of sleep and make you awake frightened.

The assignment of these demons is to impregnate you.  Incubus and Succubus are looking to impregnate you with spiritual perversion.
Once the spirits get you sexually aroused or subdue you through violence, you let your conscious guards and defences down. They are then able to plant their evils in your subconscious mind, where it will go unnoticed for a long time, while actively causing major damage. It is similar to how a woman who is enjoying intercourse completely gives herself to the man and allows him to plant in her anything that comes out of him. Or even how a girl who is being molested, gives herself over to the control of the molester. Once his seed is inside, she does not know where it goes or what it does, but it could be actively changing her in major ways. She may have conceived or even contracted an STD, (sexually transmitted disease) but she will not know it for quite some time.
Just as your natural body is fatigued after intercourse, an encounter with an incubus or succubus spirit will usually leave you feeling emotionally and spiritually drained, because they steal virtue from you. In place of what they steal, they impregnate you with their seeds of perversion and lust. Remembering again the analogy of the abusive boyfriend or rapist, know that these spirits want to control you, subdue and make you feel worthless. Although they are skilled at causing extreme sexual pleasure, they make you feel miserable in every other way. The ecstasy that you experience with these spirits is usually exceedingly more intense that natural sex and is highly addictive. This induces guilt because of the pleasure your body experiences, lowering your resistance even more.
The purpose of them causing nightmares is to impregnate you with fear, therefore perverting your faith. One reason for this is that fear induces a desire to seek out comfort. Sexual activity, especially sexual fantasy and masturbation, bring about a temporary sense of false comfort. Therefore, by inducing fear these lust demons cause you to be that much more likely to commit sexually perverse acts. But even more so than that, without faith it is impossible to please God. Which means to pervert your faith is to literally undermine your entire relationship with God and purpose for living. If it is true that all things are possible to them that believe, then the opposite is also true. Without faith we cannot believe anything, which means we cannot accomplish anything because nothing is possible to us in our subconscious minds. People that are afflicted by these spirits will experience a tremendous amount of failure and may even feel “cursed” with bad luck. It is not bad luck – it is simply that your belief system has been perverted.

Remember, my main point is that night demons are simply spirits of sexual lust. So bearing that in mind, let’s consider what lust really is.
1. Lust is a desire for illegal pleasure.
2. Lust is the willingness to meet a natural and legal need or desire in an illicit or sinful way.
For example, to eat is a need for every human being; but to fulfil that need through gluttony (overeating) is lust. To want nice things is a natural desire; but to be willing to meet that desire through dishonesty and trickery is lust. There is nothing sinful about our natural God-given sexual urges; but to fulfil those urges through masturbation and/or sexual perversion is lust. So bottom line – lust is sin – and – sin is disobedience to God’s law of righteousness.
This is what most people miss in the struggle for deliverance from night demons. There is some open door of disobedience in your life if these spirits are still able to afflict your body. Now for some people, to refer to these sexual lust demons as an “especially named spirit” draws the person into a “victim mindset”. There are so many people who love to be the victim. They don’t want to participate in their deliverance. They just want to continue to feel sorry for themselves and want you to feel sorry for them too: “Oh these big, ol’ bad incubus spirits rape me every night…” I’m not saying everyone, but a lot of people who approach me about night demons are this way.
Truth be told though, no spirit can “rape” you unless you give them access to your body. Unless you are literally in-dwelt by a demon, no demon can access your physical body unless you allow it to. The open door may not have anything to do with sexuality at all. Any type of disobedience can give demons access to your body for its use.  For people who are actively and willfully living in sexual sin, the open door is apparent. It’s the people who are doing what they believe to be right before the Lord but are yet still struggling with these spirits that are the most perplexed. They don’t understand why their tactics for deliverance are not working.
Well, please understand that the bible says, “All that is in the world is the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eye and the pride of life.”  [8]  The term “world” in this scripture means “the sinful nature of the flesh and the carnal life as being separated from submission to God’s Holy Spirit and His Will”: This is lust, this is sin, and this is disobedience to God. Even if one does not act on a lustful desire, you have still sinned just if the desire is in your heart. This of course doesn’t mean just a fleeting thought of sin, but it means that somewhere in your heart you desire and are willing to carry out a sinful act – you gave it “thoughtful consideration”.
If you are truly serious about getting delivered from night demons then you are going to have to take accountability for not being in your place of authority over these spirits and allowing them access to you through your actions. You have to be willing to really examine your hearts and your lifestyle in the light of God’s truth, and find that open door. Then slam that door shut for good and be free indeed in the freedom of Christ Yeshua (Jesus)!!! Seek forgiveness and repent. Let me help you by listing for you these common, but often overlooked and not understood, doors for night demons.

Fornication – Fornication is a word that can cover any type or act of perversion including adultery, incest, homosexuality, etc… You relinquish your authority over sexual lust when you willfully involve yourself with sexual perversion.
Masturbation – Masturbation is inviting when it comes to the invasion of night demons because through masturbation you sin against your own body and subject it to evil. You become a slave to sin through masturbation.
Pornography – Pornography is also particularly damaging when it comes to these attacks. Pornography is an act that specifically aims to contaminate your mind. The reason that these spirits come primarily at night is because our conscious minds shut down when we are tired and when we are sleeping. It thus leaves us vulnerable to their control and weakens our resistance to evil. Whatever we fill our minds with during our waking hours is what will reign over us while we sleep!
Unforgiveness/Bitterness – Unforgiveness cuts you off from God’s grace and therefore His ultimate protection. Bitterness gives access to every demon of hell to invade your temple and your life!
Fear/Doubt – Having fear and doubt in your life opens the door to these spirits because they thrive on fear and aim to increase fear in your life. They want you to be afraid because fear paralyzes you and robs you of your faith, which ultimately robs you of your relationship with God and your purpose.
Witchcraft – The Bible says that rebellion is as witchcraft. Rebellion is another word for Disobedience, so in all simplicity witchcraft is to go against God’s way to do it your own way. There are many manifestations of witchcraft that are overlooked such as – astrology, superstitions, chain letters, etc… An especially common but overlooked form of witchcraft is manipulation; manipulating our children and spouses and others that are close to us is so common and it leaves the door open for night demons to attack!
Molestation – Being molested open doors in three ways. First, it often attaches spirits[9] of perversion to the victim. Secondly, it subjects the victim to a mindset of victimization. In other words, you constantly see yourself as a victim. Remember night demons are sexual aggressors and they want you to feel victimized. Thirdly, molestation is another doorway to fear in your life.
Abuse – Remember that these spirits are likened to abusive spouses and rapists, meaning that be a victim of domestic abuse can definitely introduce these spirits into your life.  An abusive situation is a very comfortable environment for such demons.
Emotional Wounds – I say again that these demons are taking advantage of weaknesses. Being wounded leaves us weak and therefore leaves us vulnerable to these attacks. That is why it is so important to be healed.
Soul Ties – If you are soul tied to someone, or something, or some place; that causes you to be spiritually weak, or that is subject to sexual perversion or fear; you have now created an open door for night demons.

Some people think it is fun to be visited by these demons, while enjoying the intense sexual pleasure that they give them. They are very skilled at causing you to feel ecstasy. They are very dangerous though and the consequences of an encounter with them can be utterly detrimental to you spiritually, mentally and emotionally.
It is important to remember that one of the first keys to deliverance from anything is understanding your enemy! As I prayed and studied, not for deliverance but for understanding of my enemy, that is when I finally was able to receive the revelation of what I must do in order to get total deliverance. Whether the incubus/succubus spirit is “inside of you”, or oppressing you from without is not a major factor in how to go about deliverance. The process is still the same, although it may be a bit more intense and drawn out for someone who has many of these spirits, and/or for someone who is literally “inhabited” by them.
Remembering that the purpose of an incubus/succubus spirit is to impregnate you; the main key to deliverance is to abort and/or kill that which they have successfully planted in you. The casting out or sending away of these spirits will do nothing to tear down the strongholds that they have successfully built in your life! Therefore, after casting out/binding/rebuking/renouncing/sending away the spirits — do the same to all their offspring and seeds.
Sex demons want to impregnate you with fear which will pervert your faith. They want to impregnate you with lust which will cause you to desire evil things to satisfy and fulfill your soul. They want to impregnate you with different spirits of perversion, especially those of a sexual nature, so you will help their cause by committing sexually perverse acts with others and transfer their seeds. Lastly, they want to impregnate you with rebellion which will lead to an interest in all forms of witchcraft. First it will be the more subtle formslike manipulation for “good” reasons, horoscopes, and superstitions. It will then escalate to more moderate forms – palm readings, communicating with stars, and good luck charms and trinkets. Finally it will develop into full-fledged satanism – communicating with the dead, calling for assistance from demon spirits and so much more. The assignment of every demon ultimately, is to completely disconnect you from Yahweh God and see you eternally damned!

2016: The key was to speak deliverance to the "vibrating of the genitals" command the spirit of lust to be bound and cast-out

They come and sleep with you in a dream and you don’t realize it is a demon. You woke up feeling bloated – feeling funny but you don’t know why. They take the dream away so you don’t remember it.
They pretend to take the face of someone you know;(Familiar spirits) as your husband, a good friend that you like, a movie star, someone you are attracted to.
You dream that you have sex with them and you like it.
They jump from one person to another. You dream of many people.
Hermaphrodites[10] You can have dreams of yourself with the sex organ of the opposite sex.

Astral sex:
Witches that astral project themselves in the spirit and have sex with people in their dreams.  [When the spirit leaves the body] Ex. a woman had a dream of a man and had sex with him; the next day she met the same man she saw in her dream. And later they were married but the marriage soon ended in divorce.
Jude 1:7-10
In a similar way, Sodom and Gomorrah and the surrounding towns gave themselves up to sexual immorality and perversion. They serve as an example of those who suffer the punishment of eternal fire.
In the very same way, on the strength of their dreams these ungodly people pollute their own bodies, reject authority and heap abuse on celestial beings. 9But even the archangel Michael, when he was disputing with the devil about the body of Moses, did not himself dare to condemn him for slander but said, “The Lord rebuke you!”d 10Yet these people slander whatever they do not understand, and the very things they do understand by instinct—as irrational animals do—will destroy them.


A. Seeking out Spirits
We begin this discussion with an examination of some of the verses of Scripture that give us clues on this subject.
We must first say that Scripture does not have much to say about this and certainly God has made it clear that this is an area we are not to seek out:
*Lev. 19:31 tells us to not turn to mediums or to seek out spiritualists.
*Lev. 20:6, 27 equates the seeking out of mediums with prostitution (doing so is an act of infidelity to God that is not just adultery, but involves a prurient interest in the occult things equating it with prostitution — a medium also is “hired” which is also an image of prostitution).
*Deut. 18:10-11 Gives a whole list of prohibitions involving the occult and spirit world.
Whatever Spirits are or are not, it is clear that we are not to seek them out in any way.

B. What do We Know About Spirits?
1. Composition of Spirits
*What are spirits composed of? Well, we have a little hint of that in Luke 24:39 where the Resurrected Jesus is mistaken for a spirit. Jesus says “a spirit does not have flesh and bones”.
Thus, we can know that whatever spirits are, they are spiritual beings without flesh and bones.

2. Spiritual Visitations during Sleep
*Is there an example of a spiritual visitation during sleep?
Job 4:15 “A spirit glided by my face and the hair on my body stood on end
This “spirit” was most probably an angel, but it does give us a clue of the human experience of meeting a spiritual entity and that such entities can and do come to us in that vulnerable time of twilight and dreams. This account is very close to the common experience many have of which can be described in technical jargon as a cataleptic somnambulism with a sensed or visual phantasmic perception.
Also, in 2 Maccabees 15:12-16 is a passage about a dream (vision) of the Jewish leader Maccabeus. In this dream the spirits of the high priest Onias and the great prophet Jeremiah appeared to him and encouraged him concerning the battle to come.
Maccabeus told this dream to his men which encouraged his men greatly. Maccabeus and his men afterward defeated blasphemous Nicanor and his men who thought to destroy the Jewish people.

3. Human spirits in Spiritual Form?
*Can a spirit of a human being be transported? We know from accounts of Saint Pio that bi-location is possible. — But, what about in Scripture. Well, there are a couple of verses that indicate this. One is in Rev. 21:10 (17:3) where John was “carried away in the spirit”. But the most direct notion of this is in 2 Corinthians 12:2 “I know a man in Christ who fourteen years ago was caught up to the third heaven. Whether it was in the body or out of the body I do not know — God knows.”
From this we know it is possible for man’s spirit to be apart from even his living body at God’s discretion. In the occult world this is called Astral Projection.[11]
*Can a person’s body be transported spiritually? Acts 8:39, after Philip was miraculously running up along the chariot of the Ethiopian, and after Philip baptized him, Philip then disappeared. “When they came up out of the water, the Spirit of the Lord suddenly took Philip away, and the eunuch did not see him again...
This episode appears to be a bodily transport in the spirit, but I suppose it could also be

4. Other examples of spirit visitations
*1 Samuel 28 The Witch of Endor. In this story Saul goes to a medium asking her to contact the dead Samuel. She apparently succeeds and Saul talks with Samuel and Samuel prophecies. The Scripture specifically states that “Samuel said”. There is no indication at all that this was a demonic impostor.
*Sirach 46:20. Again, Samuel prophecies from the grave.
*The Transfiguration - Matt 17:2 Moses and Elijah appear with Jesus to Peter, James, and John
*The Rich Man and Lazarus Luke 16:19-31 In verse 25, Abraham says that there is a great chasm between him and the Rich Man that cannot be crossed. This is not talking about a chasm between the earth and hell; it is a chasm between Abraham’s bosom (which, in principle can be likened to heaven), and that of hell. Those in hell cannot come to the place of the saved, and the saved cannot reach down with compassion to those who are lost. It is in the next request from the Rich Man that we have a possible clue. The Rich Man wants Lazarus to go to his brothers to warn them of hell. Abraham says that there is no point in doing so. v.31 “If they do not listen to Moses and the Prophets, they will not be convinced even if someone rises from the dead”.
This passage implies the possibility of at least Lazarus being able to go to the living (it implies the Rich Man in hell cannot), but Abraham refuses the request, not because it is impossible to do so, but because there is no point in doing so.

C. Conclusion *So what do we have?
We know that spirits do not have flesh and bones. (Luke 24:39)
We know that the dead can communicate with the living. (1 Sam 28; Sirach 46:20)
We know that at least in some context allowed by God, the dead can be conjured in some fashion. (1 Sam 28)
We know that it is possible for the dead to appear on the earth (Matt 72; 1 Sam 28)
We know that is may be possible for the dead to not only appear on the earth, but appear to people and talk with them (Luke 16:27-31; 1 Sam 28)
We know that it is possible for the living to bi-locate (Rev. 17:3; 21:10; 2 Cor. 12:2)
We know that it is possible for spirits to communicate in dreams and the person to have a bodily reaction to the visitation (Job 4:15)

I am finding out that in every culture they have a name for Night demons:
Latin: Incubus and Succubus
Hawaiian: Green grass lady
Brazil: Macumba
African: Spirit husband – spirit wife (Ezili Freda)

South America
Chile: Mapuche—"human-like wekufe include Punkure and Punfüta, nocturnal ... spouses ... in their dreams".

North America
Guatemala: K'iche' in Momostenango—Diviners "are recruited in a classical shamanic fashion, including divine election – through ... dreams – and their initiation involves a marriage to a spirit spouse." The "male elders who decide on community leadership roles all possess female personal icons (bara) which commonly manifest themselves in dreams as women." "Quichés openly talk about the bara as a spouse". "Quichés are open and expressive in talking about and playing with their bara, or metaphoric 'spouses,' kissing, fondling, opening, and caressing them".

Sandwich Islands:—"ʼaumakua could ... have sex with living persons during the night. These spirit mates ... could be of help".
Papua New Guinea: the Kaluli tribe on the northern slope of Mt. Bosavi in Papua rain forests—"Mediums are men who have married spirit women in a dream"."The medium is always a man who is married (in a dream) to a woman of the invisible world. When he has a child by her, he is able to go to sleep, leave his body, and walk about in the mama world."
Southern Indonesia: Kodi region of Sumba Island—A man "dreamed that he had an encounter with two wild spirits who lived in the forest ... The wild spirit takes the form of a seductive woman, asking for ... sexual favors in return for the magical powers she controls." A generation later, this man's son "was seduced by the wild spirit woman he saw and entered into a "spirit marriage" (ole marapu)" with her, she becoming "his "spirit wife" (ariwyei marapu)".

China:—"King Xiang (Hsiang; third century B.C.E) is said to have dreamt of a tryst with a goddess on Wu Shan (Witch's Mountain), with the goddess seizing the initiative." In another translation, "Witch's Mountain" is "Shamanka Mountain". This goddess of Wu Shan "transformed into the fungus-like yaocao 媱草", the "edible mushroom" being a metaphor in courtship for marriage.
Goldi of Siberia, along Sea of Japan: A male shaman may have in dreams a divine wife as ayami ("spirit-helper").
Yukaghir of Siberia, along upper Kolyma River: The goddess of hunting is "a lustful young woman whom hunters must persuade to provide them with prey animals by seducing her in their dreams."
Yakut of Siberia: The daughters of the abassy ("deities"), "in appearing to the shaman in his dream, ... enter into sexual intercourse with him." Thereby she imparts to him "luck".
Nganasan of Siberia: A woman in a shamanist family married the smallpox-spirit: she "became a wife of the Smallpox in her dream."
Buryat of Siberia: In shamanic dreams, "The soul of a Buryat novice travels to the center of the world, where it meets, in an amorous encounter, the nine wives of Tekha, the god of ... dance. Eventually, the soul meets there his future celestial spouse."
Akkad: "Hemerologies reveal that the ardat lilī-demoness could pick a man as mate (hâru)" The "ardat lilī-demoness (associated with Lilith of Jewish mythology)" appeared to men in dreams.

French: —"During the night, in dreams, which he contrives to excite, he takes care to be the principal object of her ideas...'tis her sylph that causes her those pleasing reveries"."Humans long to mate with sylphs,[invisible beings of the air] according to the Comte de Gabalis, because they want to live forever".

Ewe of Togo: variant in Haiti (Voodoo)—"Wedding ceremonies between Voodoo divinities and their devotees take place ... It is also believed that there is sexuality between the conjugal pair, by way of dreams."
Baule of Côte d'Ivoire: "Baule statuary is dominated by elaborate figures carved to symbolize "spirit spouses". Baule mythology dictates that every adult, male or female, has such a spouse, manifested through dreams." Each woman has a blolo bian ("spirit-husband"), and each man has a blolo bla ("spirit-wife"): these may be encountered in dreams;. Figurines representing them made be made for particular reasons. The blolo is able to give "good luck".
Amongst the varied tribes of southern Nigeria such as the Yoruba and the Igbo, Spirit Spouses of the Sea are common features of life due to the geographical closeness of their cultures to the Atlantic Ocean, though attitudes to their supposed existence depend largely on the religious inclinations of the individuals concerned.

Thai—For a male spirit-medium, "female spirits possess the medium on Saturdays";for which occasions the male medium is attired in feminine garments—these are events of spirit-possession by the medium's "losing consciousness". However, dreaming is not significant for T'ai spirit-mediumship. (There is, nevertheless, some degree of similarity between this practice of becoming possessed by an opposite-gender spirit regularly on a particular day of the week; and the custom in Haitian spirit-marriage of regularly devoting a particular day of the week to one's marital duty to that spirit.)

More About Night Demons

Spiritual spouses are very real and their existence is kept hidden from millions of Christian today. They are specially commissioned by Satan to molest, trouble, victimize,
bind and scatter good and godly people and try and destroy marriages.
Spiritual spouses are highly jealous, they either do not allow marriage at all or withdraw peace in a marriage. With experience and witnesses of many people, they will sometimes even appear to the suitor and warn them to stay clear of their partner and even by threatening them with violence. They keep their subjects in bondage through sex in dreams and in later stages actual feelings of intercourse with heightened orgasm.

1.    They are spiritual enemies living and sleeping with you.
2.    They are very stubborn, aggressive and dangerous.
4.    They violate the right of their victims.
5.    They also molest their victims with sex in the dreams.
6..   They turn dreams life into a serious battle.
7.    They are specialist in stopping, frustrating and killing marriage with passion.
8.    They don’t give up easily.
9.    They can entice with a physical gift of sexual gratification.
10.   They may come with familiar faces [familiar spirits] most of the time.
11.   They empower lust and decay in the society.
12.   They can impersonate a physical spouse or someone you know or admire.
13.   Spiritual spouse use dreams to challenge and attack the destiny of men and
14.   They are very jealous.
15.   They turn joyful homes to battle ground.
1.   They can enter through immorality.[Fortification, adultery and masturbation]
2.   It can come through pornography.
3.   Spirit wife/husband can be inherited. [Generation curses]
4.   They can enter through rape, incest, and sexual molestation.
5.   It can enter through occult practices, satanic ritual or a dedication of an
6.   They can enter through underwear manipulation. [A satanic practice to put a
      curse on stolen underwear. The moment a person puts on the underwear, they
      are connected to the demonic realm.]
7.   Through tattooing and incision.[Piercing] Leviticus 19:28  “Do not cut your
      bodies for the dead or put tattoo marks on yourselves. ..”
8.   Through occult practices
1.    They cause a late marriage in life or no marriage at all.
2.    Rejection by opposite sex.
3.    Constant sex in the dreams.
4.    Chains of marital troubles.
5.    Miscarriages after sex in a dream.
6.    Inability to make love to your spouse.
7.    Serious pain when about to make love.
8.    All decisions to stay single.
9.    Early menopause.
10.   Missing menstrual period in the dream.
11.   Having prolonged pregnancy
12.   Physical disappearance of your marriage ring.
13.   Loss of job or valuables just after the marriage ceremony.
14.   When your loving spouse suddenly becomes your enemy.
15.   When you dream of being pregnant.
16.    Breast feeding in the dream and even seeing breast secreting milk physically.
17.    Inability to conceive.
18.    Having evil or bad body
19.    Constant wet dreams.
20.    Wedding in the dream.
21.    Nursing children in the dream.
22.    Inability to maintain holy life.
23.    Feeling tired every morning.
24.    Being sexually aroused at inconvenient times. [ex. When starting to pray. ]

1.    Give your heart to God –Not negotiable.
2.    Repent from all inherited and personal sins.
3.    Break every unholy soul ties with people and all spirit spouses.
4.    Pray aggressively against their activities in your life, set ablaze their marriage
       rings, certificates, wedding garments and children, etc.
5.    Receive the baptism of Holy Spirit.
6.    Determine to live holy.
7.    Make Bible your best friend.
8.    Add fasting to your prayers.
9.    Start doing something in the house of the Lord. Become a disciple not just a
       complacent lazy convert.
10.   Go for deliverance to a trained and experienced deliverance team.


These prayers will help you. I want you to know that, prayers to overcome spiritual spouses are to be taken with all seriousness.
1.    Father Lord, l thank you for revealing this deep secret to me, in Jesus name.
2.    Blood of Jesus, Fire of God, rise up in my life now, in Jesus’ Name.
3.    My foundation, release my destiny by fire, in the Name of Jesus.
4.    Powers that molesting me in the night, crumble in Jesus’ Name.
5.    I divorce every spiritual spouse in Jesus’ Name.
6.    I break every power of evil dedication operating in my life, in Jesus’ Name.
7.    Fire of God, consume every wedding ring, certificate, garment, and children l had
      with spirit spouse, in Jesus’ Name.
8.    All of heaven, fight for me now, in Jesus’ Name.
9.    Anything linking to me with the spirit wife/husband, be destroyed in Jesus’ Name.
10.   Hands of almighty God, deliver me from the powers that vowed to destroy me, in
       Jesus’ holy Name.
11.   I recover every good thing stolen by the spiritual spouse, in Jesus’ Name.
       [Also see how you can make your marriage alive again.]


There are three ways that people affected by spirit spouses. Those who have this relationship on:
1. a constant, ongoing basis; those that have this
2. relationship on and off, and those who have this relationship but
3. don't know they do because immediately after, it is wiped off their memory by demonic manipulation.
In my own opinion, the third group is the worst group to belong to, since they cannot remember the dream, they will not be able to do something about it.
If you have the problem of sexual encounters in your dreams, the first thing I have to say to you is, relax. Just relax, don't be tensed up. Why? You are not alone. Statistics have shown that seven out of ten women experience this problem.
I read about a Pastor who has a church of over 30000 members. He decided to do an anonymous statistics on women and men that have this problem, and it turned out to be the same for the men as it was for the women- seven out of ten constantly or occasionally, have immoral relationships with men or women in their dreams.

These spirits have so mastered the art of deception that they will use the faces of people you are familiar with when they visit you at night.
There are women who have told us they see their dad coming to sleep with them in their dreams. We know that is the spirit husband using the face of the father. Your dad has nothing to do with this night encounter.
Sometimes they may even bring the face of your pastor, who fasts and prays for you. This is another manipulation in itself to make you look down on your pastor and distrust him. Trust me, it was not your pastor coming to sleep with you, he's not as debased as to do that. It is none other the spirit husband.
At other times, they'll bring the face of your husband. It's not in dreams that you're supposed to meet with your husband this way. Any experience like that is very questionable.
They can also come with the face of your brother, your boss and people around you. It's no other one but the spirit husband masquerading himself in these false disguises.

These night-time [sometimes day-time] experiences are called encounters with spirit husbands and spirit wives.
In West Africa they call these dream visitors; 'night husbands and night wives.'
The Latin people of those days called it the 'encounter with incubi and succubi.'
If you look in the Webster's dictionary, Incubi is described as a spirit being that comes to have intimate relationships with women why they are asleep while Succubi is described as a spirit being that comes to have relationships with men in their sleep.
In Matthew 13:25, the Bible says; "But while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat, and went his way."
The most dangerous part of your day is really not when you're driving on the highway, operating a machinery in a factory or doing construction work on a high rise building.
The most dangerous part of anybody's day is when you lay down to sleep. That is when the enemy does the most damage to the majority of people.
I will be deceiving myself to tell you that I know everything that needs to be known about this subject, but the little, tiny experience I've had over the years in studying, coupled with counseling and praying for people, I can say without any shadow of doubt that the problem of succubi and succubi is a very common problem that you cannot just dismiss with a wave of the hand.
What is so troubling is that many Christians who are saved, sanctified and filled with the Holy Spirit, are also afflicted and affected by this problem. Out of ignorance and sometimes out of pride, these dear saints keep this problem to themselves rather that cry out for help. There is always the possibility of having those hidden dark corners in yourself while thinking that you are a very holy, good Christian:
Luke 11:34-36 “Your eye is a lamp that provides light for your body. When your eye is good, your whole body is filled with light. But when it is bad, your body is filled with darkness. Make sure that the light you think you have is not actually darkness. If you are filled with light, with no dark corners, then your whole life will be radiant, as though a floodlight were filling you with light.”
Erica Joseph in a booklet titled "Sex with demons - Nightmares, Incubus and Succubus," had the following to say: "Sexual experiences with demonic spirits are very real even in this day and age. I have personally taken both men and women through deliverance, that have experienced this and some became bound by the spirits of Incubus and Succubus. I have personally taken both men and women through deliverance, where the witch or warlock has actually, through the use of astral travel, seduced them, having sexual relations with them as they slept, with them thinking it was only a dream. This having been done through the utilization of "Familiar" spirits.
In some instances, I have found that those spirits have entered in through masturbation and fantasy lust. If the individuals renounce the fantasy lust and stopped masturbating, they were delivered. I have taken several individuals through deliverance from those demons and I've found that people have been violated (raped) by spirits, not actually wanting to believe it or not understanding what happened to them until deliverance revealed it. But they know that they had experienced something painful and undesirable.
I have taken individuals through deliverance, that have felt the bed moving, felt their bodies responding uncontrollably, yet their rational, logical mind could not comprehend it. So they wrote it off as a dream.
These demonic spirits that function in this sexually perverse way must be renounced and cast out, in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Essentially, the incubus is a lewd demon which seeks sexual intercourse with women. The corresponding demon who appears to men is the succubus. When associated with one particular witch or sorcerer, both incubus and succubus are known as magistellus, or "familiar". Inasmuch as the nightmare dream is sexual in latent content, incubus is often used interchangeably with The Mare Demon; in fact, the Latin word for nightmare is incubo (to lie upon). The incubus can assume either a male or a female shape. Sometimes he appears as a full-grown man. Sometimes as a satyr or in the form of a demon, and if it is a woman who has been received as a witch, the incubus generally assumes the form of an animal.
Succubus is a demon in female form, specialized in seducing men. Although feminine in meaning, in form this medieval Latin word, succubus, is masculine (because demons were supposedly sexless) the feminine form succuba (strumpet) is occasionally found. If you have, or are having dreams or nightmares of a sexual nature that you know are as real as life, dreams where you cannot exactly distinguish the real from the unreal, please seek deliverance. Don't allow Satan and his demonic hosts to degrade your body which is the Temple of God."

A Pentecostal monthly publication once discussed the subject of deliverance in an eye-opening article.
In the article, the writer wrote about a strange deliverance session he conducted. He talked about a lady who he simply called Angel. Angel had been involved for some time in the occult. She and her boyfriend met the Pastor in a restaurant, looking like they had been physically assaulted. Right there in the restaurant, a deliverance session began then the unthinkable happened! A solid black chicken walked into the place. Yes, you are not reading a misprint. A black chicken appeared and this happened in Colorado Springs, Colorado, United States of America. Gone were the days when stories like this were exclusive to Africa and Haiti. There is a lot going on in the Spirit realm all over the world. We are in the last days.
As the solid black chicken appeared, Angel's face gazed and became fixed on it. The hen hopped into a vacant chair ten feet away from them. Suddenly, Angel said to the deliverance minister, " I want an egg." When the minister approached the chicken, it jumped off the chair and ran to the door. It left behind the largest egg you have ever seen. The minister picked up the egg and brought it back to the restaurant table where Angel was being prayed for.
The terror on Angel's face was clearly evident when the egg was held out to her. She hid her eyes behind her hands. In response to the minister's prodding, Angel told odd tales of her life. She said that she is a bride of Satan. She was a wife to Satan. Then she explained that in the egg were the ten children she had through spiritual sexual intercourse with Satan.
When Angel met with the deliverance team again that afternoon, she told of how she had come from a broken home, and that she had engaged in perverted premarital sex regularly.
When the deliverance session commenced, she was handed the egg, which she had refused to even look at previously. She held it in the palm of her hand as the demons were commanded to leave. She was told to break the egg but recoiled as if to protect the egg. She said, "I can't break this egg!" but after authoritative commands to break the egg she turned down her hand upside down but amazingly the egg stuck to her hand as if it was glued to it. After more prayers were made, she let out a piercing scream and the egg shattered all over the floor. To their amazement, it was filled with blood- red fluid instead of a yellow yolk. That's how finally this lady was delivered. The problem we are dealing with is real, unfortunately many ministers have no idea how many of their members are suffering in the hands of these wicked spirits.

I was in Africa a few years ago to attend a conference. After the conference, many workers who attended came to me expressing how night husbands and night wives are troubling them. "Unfortunately," they lamented, "Our church does not believe in dealing with issues like this, yet we are suffering and need deliverance."
If your church argues against the existence of this problem and voices opposition to deliverance, find a church where they you can be helped. God will not hold it against you.

How does the presence of spirit husband or wife affect a person? I know of at least three ways that I would like to discuss.
1. Difficulty getting married.
2. Difficulty staying married.
3. Difficulty having children.
Firstly, those who experience sexual encounters in their dreams will have difficulty getting married and if they make attempts to get married, all their attempts will be met with one frustration or another.
I have met with many men and women who in the natural should have no problems whatsoever in finding a spouse. Unfortunately because of the presence of these spiritual spouses, they are blocked from being able to get engaged and stay engaged.
One night I was ministering in a revival service. The Lord gave me a word of knowledge about a lady who was being troubled every night by spirit husband. A lady raised her hand and she was prayed for. This sister has suffered a lot from the hand of this evil personality. She was engaged in the church to marry a brother but mysteriously, the engagement broke up. Little did we know that it was the work of the spirit husband.
That night, the spirit husband came back but could not do anything to her because the Lord had broken that yoke during the revival. The spirit left and could not come back to defile her again.
Not too long after that she was engaged and the marriage was held without any problem whatsoever.
If you know you ought to have been married by now but for whatever reason cannot find someone to marry or cannot stay engaged, you probably are being troubled by the problem under discussion. See a capable deliverance minister for the prayer of deliverance.

Secondly, those who experience sexual encounters in their dreams are likely to have difficulty in their marital lives.
The Spirit husband or wife is very jealous and anyone who is married to the one they claim better get ready for war.
Many unhappy and broken homes today are as such because of the evil manipulations of these jealous spirits.
A sister in our church was recently delivered from the power of night husband. She told me to make sure I include her testimony in my book so as to encourage those who may be suffering the same fate as she suffered.
Her story shows how the presence of a spirit husband or wife can have a negative effect on a marriage.
For as far back as she could remember she had a sprit husband, who will come in to her every night and defile her. After she got saved, he was still coming every night. She told me that some nights, this man would have left before she would have any consciousness of the fact that he had been around.
During these encounters, she has very serious marital problems that defied solutions. Her marriage was at the brink of collapse.
One day, she just got up and told her husband, she was tired of the marriage. She took $1000 and moved out of the house. She went to the Penn station in New York City and boarded a bus not even knowing where the bus was headed.
She rode on the bus for about three hours till it got to Baltimore, Maryland. Then something told her to get off the bus and she did. This lady came out of the bus not knowing where to go since she had no contacts in Baltimore.
As she came out of the bus, a well-dressed man carrying a briefcase approached her, calling her by her first name. She was startled by the incidence since he is a total stranger to her.
"Who in the world are you?" she asked.
He replied, "Don't tell me you don't know me."
"I am telling you that I don't know you." She replied.
"I am your husband." The man replied.
"You are not my husband. My husband is in New York." Was her reply.
"I'm the one who comes to you every night in your dreams. Let us go, for I have spiritually manipulated you from New York to this place so we can spend some time together in real life." He further told her that after they are done in Baltimore he will let her return to New York but will henceforth call her out to meet with him at other locations all over the United States. He opened his briefcase and it was full of hard-core currency. He told her not to worry, she would be well taken care of.
When the lady got to this point of her story, I had to make sure I was in a counseling session and not in a dream. I then asked her if what she had said thus far happened in real life or she was just narrating a dream experience to me. Lo and behold, it was not a dream.
I then asked her what she did.
She said, "Pastor, my eyes opened and I pushed him aside, ran into the bus station to take the next bus to New York." However, before she left, the man said to her, "Where are you running to? You can run, but you can't hide. I don't have to get on the bus to be with you in New York!"
She got on the bus the same night and arrived in New York in the early hours of the morning. When she got off the bus in New York, guess who was waiting for her?…the same "man" she left in Baltimore a few hours earlier.
With a grin on his face, he said to her, "I told you that you're mine and I'm yours. No circumstances can change our decision, so you might as well stop running."
She pushed him out of the way and took a taxi home where she quickly made up with her real husband.
It was this incidence that brought her to me for deliverance. The man never surfaced again after her deliverance.
Many who have spirit husbands and get married in the physical end up having problems in their marriages.
The fact of the matter is that the spirit husband is very jealous. He takes marriage to another person as a sign of unfaithfulness and will not give up without a fight. Sometimes not only is the marriage attacked, the husband in the physical is also attacked in one-way or the other by the spirit husband. There have been cases of men who have died mysterious and violent deaths as a direct result of attacks from the spirit husband.
At other times the spirit husband will separate the husband from the wife making it hard for them to live together under the same roof.
The final evil effect of the presence of spirit husband and spirit wife is the difficulty in having children.
We have had to deal with many cases of barren women who the doctors cannot understand the cause for their barrenness. They have been thoroughly examined and no medical reasons are found for their inability to reproduce.
In many of these cases, during deliverance sessions, the spirit husband manifests contesting our right to dislodge him from blocking the lady. The anointing that destroys yokes has set many women free during these sessions resulting in the birth of healthy babies sometimes after decades of childlessness.
At other times diseases of the reproductive system is introduced into the woman thereby making it difficult for her to conceive.

Here lately I have been hearing allot of people say "the Lord said this and the Lord said that" as it relates to martial relationships. So with this in mind I’d like to share the biblical views and understanding of the dangers of dating and marriage that we might have a clearer insight in these areas. I pray this article keeps those who read it from being spiritual molested, raped and joined to covenants that they did not ask for and bring freedom to those who have already fallen into their traps. 

When dealing with spiritual wives and husbands most would go right for Incubus and Succubus  which are demons that do carry the functions that would equate to our topic. However, I want to share a different face and side of these spirits (spiritual husbands and wives) that I feel is mostly ignored in the body of Christ.

Spiritual husbands and wives produce a unnatural desire to be married or in some cases not to be married at all cause they already are possibly linked to someone in the spirit. "Jesus is my man" I'm married to the Lord" sound familiar? My question is this, what spirit prompted that person to say that. Yes we are the chosen bride of Christ but technically we are not married to him yet {rev. 19:7}.spiritual spouses are not all about sex but more so about the union and covenant which is consummated (sealed) through sexual intercourse. So in my pursuit to please the Lord I watch my conversation and actions towards people for they breed intimacy which form soul-ties. {gen. 2:7, 24; 34:1-3; num. 30:2-12; 1sam. 18:1} not only do I watch my conversation and actions but I also must watch the same of others, here lies most of our mistakes, watching us and not them which becomes our down fall. Christ said if we lust in our hearts we are joined to that person, should we join our member to a harlot {Mat. 5:28; Mat 7:21; 10:11,12,19; 1 Cor. 6:19}

Prov. 6:18 tells us that the Lord hates feet quick to mischief.
See how these spirits once in a host drive the individual to people, places and things that will fuel their fires. Again I say, this is the bases of most marriages in the 20th century. Marriage is not the cure for lust it only turns a raging fire into a fire place. To many people marry under lustful circumstances rather than patience and guidance of the Holy Spirit. Marriage under these guidelines will result in many marrying a prince or princess only to wake up next to a frog. 

Spiritual wives and husbands catch us sleeping on the job. They come in while you are a sleep to defile your desires and flesh.

Luke 6:18 says,
And they that were vexed with unclean spirits: and they were healed. 
The word vexed in this scripture is ochleo which means to be troubled and molested by demons. when you come in contact with these spirits and or anyone in union with a spiritual wife or husband makes you feel raped, violated, unclean and dirty after you leave out of their presence. Your dreams and open visions change for pure to filthy. 

 Jude 4,8
For there are certain men crept in unawares, who were before of old ordained to this condemnation, ungodly men, turning the grace of our God into lasciviousness, and denying the only Lord God, and our Lord Jesus Christ. v.8 Likewise also these [filthy]dreamers defile the flesh, despise dominion, and speak evil of dignities.

In keeping with the context of the scripture the writer is saying certain men, which can flow into women, crept through the side door of the lives of people in stealth mode(unawares), using their god given gifts (grace) to impart lasciviousness through words, actions or deeds. The Greek word for lasciviousness is aselgeia which means unbridled, lust, excess, licentiousness, wantonness, 
outrageousness, shamelessness, insolence. They use they liberty (freedom) as a cloak of maliciousness and a occasion to the flesh. {Gal. 5:19; 1 Pet. 2:16}

This impartation of lust (strong desire) is a working of the flesh {Gal. 5:19} that becomes an unbridled, untameable, wanting that drives the parties to partake in shameless conversations and actions that then began to defile the dream state which in turn defiles the flesh. These filthy dreamers, which is the Greek word enypniazomai, begin to beguile (deceive) with sensual images and carry them away to an impious courses of conduct. Masturbation, wet dreams, pornography, random sex acts and thoughts all of which may have never happened prior to their being infiltrated by these spiritual wives and husband spirits. These spiritual spouses infiltrate you through inner vows and secret declarations. "That's going to be my husband or wife" "The Lord said that's my husband or wife". Just imagine how many young people open themselves up to spirits as they uttered these secrets. Though their words can't be heard by our natural ears they are echoed aloud in the spirit realm an literally form contracts in the spirit that are signed by the next available spiritual wife or husband. As apostolic fathers we have the power to break such vows. (Num 30:3-16[12]
 Spiritual wives and husbands bring nothing but poverty and death. They entrap silly men and women void of understanding and who lack longsuffering and chastity. {Prov. 5:3-5; 6:24-26; 7:5, 21, 27; 9:13-18} They woo you with their words and movements that sound and look like they are from God. {Prov. 7:13-18} They justify you being with them because they are lonely, broke and are being mistreated at home and or in ministry an need your comfort. {Prov. 7:19-20} They say "God sent you into my life" to stroke your ego while they stab you in your liver[13] and take your life. {Prov. 7:21-23} They hit you up on the inbox at all hours of the night when they should be in the bed or spending time with their spouse, instead they are up spinning webs and forming soul-ties with you.

More Actual Testimonies

Huston, Texas 2016
Jay Bartlet Ministries

"Praise the Lord God Almighty! The God of Israel. Hallelujah to Jesus Christ. I attended your deliverance meeting in Houston, and that was a divine appointment that you prayed for me. You came were I was sitting and you commanded the husband spirit to come out, that took me by surprise, since you were taking us through the prayer against witchcraft. That was God who revealed that to you, I have things vibrating in my private parts and I have gone through many different deliverances but the people ministering to me could never figure out what these spirits are, because of that, other spirits would never leave. 

Since 1998 I have diligently prayed and sought deliverance, In some cases they would manifest but never leave, in fact the vibrating in my body was a manifestation that never left. I felt strongly, that whatever spirit was behind the vibrating in my private part was the key to defeating all the others. Before I came to the meeting I asked God to reveal to you what needed to be done for me to be completely free of the hell I have endured all this long. That was the first time someone ever dealt with the spirit husband and the ones to do with being buried in the grave

Every night these demons will attack me when am sleeping and I will feel like am dying, sometimes they say to me that am already dead, I will dream dead people all the time, my sleeping time has been hell. Many things came out as you prayed for me, broken heart pieces were healed.  Am going to continue to resist and fight for my freedom but what you did for me, words are not enough to express my gratitude,  thank you, thank you very much!"


Please help me. Every night I dream I am sleeping with someone men and women. I try to fight then off. I am learning about spirit husbands etc and I am desperate for some help I can't live like this anymore. I have not been in a relationship for over 10 years please help me I can't carry on like this. I pray every night. I am a believer in Christ I go to church. I honestly don't know how much I can take. Please help me what shall I do? Help me

Hello Sir, i think my wife has a spiritual husband because she always have bad dreams of sex and someone telling her am not her husband. sometimes she say she engage in a big fight in the dream

This is very real..I have had this experience and still sometimes do...but as I pray every night I believe strongly total deliverance will be mine..they are very destructive and the torment at night can be very disturbing...But there is a God above every other thing on earth..When you call on Him he will answer!

I have a problem of having sex in my dreams...I met this man 2013 he was doing well in his business soon I moved in with him his business started to collapse up until today..One thing I don't understand is if I can stay away from him for a period of a month his business goes back to normal he do well...soon I come back his business dies again ..We both have noticed this problem now he wants to leave me. ..Please help me

I need some help, I have been praying and have this one spirit I saw standing in my lounge room watching me. When I looked at it I knew it was male and he was very tall around 7ft. He was the same colour as the moon and black holes where eyes should be. Since then I have seen this entity in my dreams where he took me by the arm to others like him and said that he wanted me to be his 1st wife, I started freaking out and woke up. There was another women with me and she was to be his second wife both of us from the same culture. I see him in real life and in dream life and I have 2 little boys and they have seen him too. I pray to get him away and have even had my Dad to do a cultural smoking ceremony but still he is around. How do I get it to leave for good.

I am a victim of spiritual husband. You have described it very well and that is what I have been going through. No child up to now and whenever I sleep with a man in my sleep I will have a miscarriage (4 times) now. I am 44 years old now how are you going to help me.

Hi Ann, thanks for your question. - [but they are not the only one that can cause marital problem, many other things can be responsible for various marital problems]. Spiritual spouses are highly jealous , they either not allow marriage at all or withdraw peace in marriage. with experience and confession of people, they will appear to the suitor and warn such to stay clear of their partner. A man and the wife to be traveled to London to buy their wedding materials, they came back doing other preparations, just two weeks to the wedding, the husband to be came and told her that he is no more interested in the wedding. thank God for a man of God who heard about it , called the young man to ask for the reason. he opened up his mouth and said, every night a man will appear to him and warn seriously him not go ahead with the wedding because the lady belong to him, and that if he refused , he will be killed. They passed through some deliverance prayers, they wedded and doing well now.

Hello Sir,
Thank you for further highlighting the spiritual husband /Wife.
I want to Tell Everyone who is doubting that it is Real and existing every day destroying millions of lives all over the world unfortunately people are living in ignorance and some are Thomas.

I have just found out that I have been having a spiritual husband for almost seven years because my ignorance. i have been experiencing weird dreams of pregnancy. taking care of babies, but now i have known thanks to you. I am really going to be serious about my spiritual life and i hope i will be delivered. and sometimes i would dream that my sister is pregnant does it mean she has a spiritual husband or it's still me?

I have been fighting with these problem for many years now. My ex husband had been challenged by the demon who claims am his wife but Im married to Jesus alone.
It have experienced 70% of what the man of God has listed as its characteristics and signs of their presence ......but I know God will deliver me.
It caused Fibroid for me and my Fiancé of almost 4 Years left me just like that, no fighting. No quarrel and am still battling through prayers to see if he will come back.
Man of God I have done all manner of prayers/ assignments but this demon to no avail.

I am 39 .I want to get married and have kids before it's too late for me.
pls help me, no one is there to help even to help me pray to be delivered and to divorce this spirit husband. im begging you pls. this has been ruining my whole life, and remove all the man whom i had relationships, and now i have love that we are planning to get married and suddenly we had all the unnecessary arguments and unexplainable misunderstandings. i had dreamed so many times about this sex and sometimes use a familiar people like family member, friend and the worse is our pastor in our old church, the recent one is i had dreamed of giving birth and holding a baby boy, pls help me, plssssss

please help me, i dream with a man or my husband trying to have sex with me, and i could feel strong feelings though with my husband we are not having sex and whenever he try to romance me i can feel something very strange and the feeling of not liking everything even sex, we could stay for 2weeks without sex and i will not worry. Days ago i dreamt my brother asking me to have sex with him. Can that be a sign of spiritual husband? and i am so aggressive even to my husband and children

This is happening to me now and im a virgin

From what I have read here, I am a living example of how a spiritual husband can 'confuse' the life of a young person. Just last night, I did dream sleeping with someone that I know, but we are not intimate. It is not the first time. I am 35, single and working graduate professional. I have never married. It is not my wish not to marry. In fact, I envy Christian marriage, and I would love to get married someday. But looking at my life, even a relationship is a nightmare. If a guy shows interest in me, I respond by showing no interest at all (i just don't feel him); if not, I get interested in men who have got not the slightest interest in me. I have also not dated for the last three years, I have also not slept with a man for the last three years. Not that I do not have feelings, but I want the best for me. Then the best is hard to come by. Looking at my dream, and what I have read here - mine could be a classic example of a spiritual husband. How can I break those ties? How can I get to live and enjoy my life before my marriage window expires? I need to build a family. Please assist.

I belong to a deliverance ministry, I know all about spirit spouses, I dont wear trousers, jewellery, or artificial hair, I don't live immoral life. I hope I am not sounding like a Pharisee, I just want to understand my situation. I have prayed against this demon for many years. Right now, I am separated from my husband. I dont have sex dreams but on some occasions I saw myself with a baby. What is the solution to this, please tell me.

Thank you very much. In the past I used to have sexual dreams and each time it happened there must be a problem between my husband and I. My husband also used to say I used to move like I am meeting with a man. Now that I am separated I dont have such encounters but a few times I have seen myself with a baby. Also many people who have prayed have pointed to spiritual marriage as a factor in my marital problems. My husband also has serious interpersonal problems. If as a Christian I am still plagued by spirit husband how can I make heaven? My marital woes affects my evangelism because people feel they dont see in my life why they should be serious with God.

I am learning a lot from this platform this evening. Yes, this spiritual marriages are very wicked and they hate with passion and sometimes l ask myself "Where is the God that l know and serve". I know the battle of spiritual marriage will be over very soon in Jesus name. In 2010, God revealed to me who was doing that to me. I called my uncle back home and told him what God had revealed. He then decided to entered into a prayer agreement with his wife. God revealed to him who had married me in spirit. His own sister who is my auntie. This woman married me since 1994 and up to today, l have never had a smooth relationship. When a man come into my life, within 3-4 months the man is gone. I am a believer, l don't play with my bible, prayers and fasting. Sometimes, l get scared because no matter how deep l go, this spirit will visit me at night. Many of the dreams listed above are dreams l do have sometimes. With prayers, most of them don't surface anymore. I have vowed that l will never remain single in Jesus name and l have confessed it now and then, that the day God will bless me with a man who will take me to the altar, my auntie will die a very horrible death. I will not lose hope because l know that He who watches over Zion never slumber nor sleep. Spiritual marriage is real but believe in the blood of Jesus which speaks of better things than the blood of Abel will fight and continue to fight for all who are under such wicked and hateful activates of the evil one. God delivers us all through the blood of Jesus.

hi, it is only tonight that I came to know about spiritual husband/wife when I opened up my problem about sex imagination struggle I have ever since and how when I was a child during a visit in our province, was left alone in the room and have thought of having married with satan. Now I know the cause of such a bondage, I also now know how to specifically pray to be freed from it in Jesus' name.

Hi, please l have one issue l used to have sex spiritually, What l mean is dat l have sex with girls l know or l don't know just imagine them and used it for masturbation, is dis sign of spiritual wife and above 30 Nt yet marry and always have a disappointment in my relationship
Hi, yes ,this is one of the major sign of their activities. Your trust in the Lord and praying targeted prayers on your situation will surely give you victories.

I believe that I have been dealing with this demon. I was molested when I was younger. I remember having very vivid sex dreams growing up…….sometimes they were so real……….I had never had sex at that time……but my dreams had all of the real feelings that I thought sex would have. Then I got married and I realized that my dream…..was very much like reality. I have been married for a few years now. But I had a dream that I vaguely remember but I remember having an orgasm in the dream. And I had a dream where I had cheated on my husband. And from both dreams I felt very dirty and just nasty like I had really committed these acts in real life. Sometimes when I have dreams like these or nightmares. I can only explain it as I know I am sleep, but at the same time I know I am awake. My body does not move…..but it is like my spirit is awake. I know I sound crazy….but this is so true.
After having these episodes I usually wake up feeling aroused and I never put two and two together but I would usually end up reading things I shouldn’t read. Last week I had a dream where I could not move and I felt like something was in front of me and I heard a demonic voice and felt heat from its breath…..that they were with me. So after that I knew something was not right.
After reading your post………I went downstairs and just cried out to God asking Him to come and change me again. I renounced anything that I am doing or have done to invite this into my life. I asked God to fill the void/hole in my life. Then the weirdest thing happened (i am very serious) I have never experienced anything like this in my life. My body began to shake and it felt like something flew from my body and I felt back on the couch and then it was like I could not move and I just felt evil all around me. I kept praying. Then I was able to get up and then it just felt creepy around my house…….So I began to open the blinds to let the light in…..and then I opened my doors and told whatever was in my house to leave because it was not welcomed. I have been making sure I watch what I listen to and watch. I would sometimes watch scary movies………but I am like God I want to be totally holy for You. I am kicking it all out of my life. I use to think oh this small thing won’t hurt. But I do not want to experience this again. Everything must go. Am I crazy or what? Could you bring some wisdom to my situation.

You hit the nail on the head Mandy! Childhood molestation is the main doorway for incubus and succubus spirits to enter into your life. The other main doorway is witchcraft. There are other ways too such as masturbation, pornography, rape, having sex with people and watching horror films.
I too thought that these occurrences were no big deal at one point. I didn’t really know that I was dealing with a demon. I thought that my body was just going through these things because I needed to have sex — a spontaneous relief you know (which can happen sometimes, by the way).
Rest assured that you are not crazy. These are very real experiences and the way that you described them is very accurate and consistent with what other people have described to me and what I myself have dealt with — including even the dreams about cheating on my husband.
Sometimes these spirits can literally live inside of a person. This is usually the case when someone has been molested. Other times these spirits attack people but do not live in them. In your case it sounds like the spirit was in you and was cast out of you yesterday. It probably entered into you when you were molested. You did the right thing by renouncing and praying to God yesterday! However, it sounds like your incubus does not want to leave. You should have felt an immediate peace around you when the demon came out and instead you felt eerie and afraid. If you don’t finish the job, it will attack you again.

I’m very frightened that this may be the type of normal violent demon that has been attacking me ever since I literally saw it physically manifest itself in the corners of my bedroom until all the black shadows had consolidated into a swirling opaque figure of sorts. I can see it and I’m not the only one, my friend saw it too. We can both sense it, but I’m much more sensitive and aware of it than he is.
It’s been harassing me with more frequency and intensity. It has the ability to alter my thoughts and behavior, it makes me think horrible violent things as if I was about to lose consciousness. I feel overwhelmed with anger and heat or intense fear accompanied by a coldness that seems to originate from within. I have disturbing dreams and fantasies. I feel unloved, unwanted, unattractive, and hopeless. I get these strong feelings of arousal and no matter what I do. I also experience physical pain. I just had the worst experience to date, I was being raped by it and I feel extremely sexually frustrated, violated and angry, I’m also dizzy, very nauseous and am convinced that this light headedness is going to cause me to faint and once I lose consciousness, I am truly at the mercy of this thing, at least until I awaken, but then again it can attack ferociously in the morning.

Pamela says:
Yes, I have had these very types of dreams. I just recently has one of a lesbian nature even though I have never had sort of lesbian encounter. All my past relationships have been heterosexual. I have often wondered why this is. But one thing I have noticed, I only encounter these dreams and feelings either when I have watched a movie involving a sex scene or something of a romantic nature (not pornography) or when I have feelings of loneliness because of my desire to be married again. This is a constant battle I have and I am tired of it!. I recognize these spirits for who and what they are but I want true deliverance. I’ve fasted, I prayed, I read the Word but why am I not set free? I want to walk in the true freedom that only Christ can provide for me. Please give me your wisdom on this subject.

Lakisha says:
My experiences have certainly been evil like the rest of your experiences. There have been plenty of times that i have awaken and felt like something was having intercourse with me and i would feel so disgusted afterward. I could literally feel that it had dropped something in me and it may have been fear because I was full of fear that had gotten worse for the period of the first two years- (I’m talking irrational fear and almost pure craziness.) The demons would tell me something and i would think it was God so id do it in fear of what God would do to me. Now I know it wasn’t God but this is the mindset I was in at the time Paralyzed from the inside out the most rock bottom a human could get- there was I. In addition, ever since, three years ago, i have felt a particular spirit in me that is constantly moving in my body. I used to also spit up constantly and i was severely depressed and felt utterly abandoned by God. I felt totally cast out as a saint because i tried everything, rebuking, fasting, prayer and nothing worked. I was angry at God and cursed Him and asked to die because I had never heard of such a thing let alone that demons were real.

I writing this for my daughter, she is 20 but asked me to write and ask some questions about what she is dealing with. She has had dreams of lesbian relationships, she’s is tormented day and night by recurring thoughts of being with women. She is not a lesbian, and would like to know how to break free of these tormenting thoughts. She is away in college, very lonely. She has a roommate but she is gone most of the time. I pray with her almost every night. She has started to listen to the Word on tape and memorize scripture which seems to be helping, we think this started a few months ago when she and her girlfriends got tattoos against her father’s and my instructions for her not to do so. We listened to a tape by Apostle John Eckhardt that gave us a better understanding of how spirits do come with body piercing and tattoos. Her question is how do you break these tormenting thoughts once and for all.

Hi Katie,
This sounds to me like it is clearly the case of some unbroken soul ties and spiritual doors that have been left open. The soul tie could be current or something from the past. This tie must be discovered, broken and the door must be closed. Open spiritual doors are: generational curses, involuntary exposure, spiritual wounds, and voluntary exposure, which includes curses of witchcraft.
The prayers are helping, but it is not enough. You and she need to be very specific about how this is approached in the spirit realm.

I have witnessed 2 women who were having a trilling sensation, a vibration feeling between their legs (genitals) [as a mobile phone vibrating on and off] at times during the day and when I touched them on the forehead and one on top of her head, making a sign of the cross on one, and praying over the other one.

They both felt a demonic presence in their bedrooms rooms during the night. Both felt something on them which paralyzed them with fear. They felt pressure on their upper chest and one with a chocking feeling on her throat.
One saw a familiar man laying on her and the next time she opened her eyes, she saw a demonic face with red eyes staring at her which she immediately threw him off of herself and he was nowhere to be seen. Both were being sexually molested. One cried and said that she was a virgin, and the other was receiving pleasurable orgasms regularly in her dreams. Both women were involved in occult practices. Both had problems sleeping at night. One was delivered after 3 two hour sessions. (Breaking down strongholds, repentance, binding the unclean spirits and casting them out).  After the 2nd session, she was violently attacked at night. After the 3rd session, she was delivered from the incubus. The other woman, who was deeply involved in the occult, was delivered from a heavy demonic trauma and gradually got better; a deliverance progress with an open bible beside her bed with soft praise music in the background. She later had some physical issues in her hip and leg. After prayer, the pain left only to return when she entered her home.

Demons attacking a saint L.P. Volume One ch.16
Lastly, an ugly temptation that lasted for a short time was that, after being in contact with demons so ugly for about one and a half years, I would become pregnant and deliver a little demon with horns.  My imagination would breed itself in such a way, that I saw myself in a horrible confusion in the face of what people would say about me, because of such an awful event.

Finally, after about one and a half years of this fight, the cruelties of the demons ceased, and a whole new life began, although the demons did not stop bothering me from time to time.  However, it was not so frequent, the battle was not so fierce, and I became used to despising them.

Bible Verses


1. Deuteronomy 29: 29 "The Lord our God has secrets known to no one. We are not accountable for them, but we and our children are accountable forever for all that he has revealed to us, so that we may obey all the terms of these instructions.
2. Jeremiah 33:3 Ask me and I will tell you remarkable secrets you do not know about things to come.
3. Genesis 6 :1-8
Then the people began to multiply on the earth, and daughters were born to them. The sons of God[14] (fallen angels)saw the beautiful women and took any they wanted as their wives. Then the LORD said, “My Spirit will not put up with humans for such a long time, for they are only mortal flesh. In the future, their normal lifespan will be no more than 120 years.”
In those days, and for some time after, giant Nephilites lived on the earth, for whenever the sons of God had intercourse with women, they gave birth to children who became the heroes and famous warriors of ancient times.
The Lord observed the extent of human wickedness on the earth, and he saw that everything they thought or imagined was consistently and totally evil. So the LORD was sorry he had ever made them and put them on the earth. It broke his heart. And the Lord said, “I will wipe this human race I have created from the face of the earth. Yes, and I will destroy every living thing—all the people, the large animals, the small animals that scurry along the ground, and even the birds of the sky. I am sorry I ever made them.” But Noah found favor with the Lord.
4. Mark 5:1; 10 So they arrived at the other side of the lake, in the region of the Gerasenes 10; Then the evil spirits begged him again and again not to send them to some distant place.
5. James 2:9 But if you favor some people over others, you are committing a sin. You are guilty of breaking the law.
6. Matthew 12:22-27  Then a demon-possessed man who was blind and mute was brought to Jesus, and He healed him, so that the mute man spoke and saw. All the crowds were amazed, and were saying, “This man cannot be the Son of David, can he?” But when the Pharisees heard this, they said, “This man casts out demons only by Beelzebul the ruler of the demons.”
And knowing their thoughts Jesus said to them, “Any kingdom divided against itself is laid waste; and any city or house divided against itself will not stand. “If Satan casts out Satan, he is divided against himself; how then will his kingdom stand? “If I by Beelzebul cast out demons, by whom do your sons cast them out? For this reason they will be your judges. 
7. Matthew 12: 43-45  “Now when the unclean spirit goes out of a man, it passes through waterless places seeking rest, and does not find it. “Then it says, ‘I will return to my house from which I came’; and when it comes, it finds it unoccupied, swept, and put in order. “Then it goes and takes along with it seven other spirits more wicked than itself, and they go in and live there; and the last state of that man becomes worse than the first. That is the way it will also be with this evil generation.
8. Matthew 10:1 Jesus called his twelve disciples together and gave them authority to cast out evil spirits and to heal every kind of disease and illness.
9. Luke 8:2  .. along with some women who had been cured of evil spirits and diseases. Among them were Mary Magdalene, from whom he had cast out seven demons;
10. Hosea 4:6  My people are being destroyed because they don't know Me. Since you priests refuse to know Me, I refuse to recognize you as my priests. Since you have forgotten the laws of your God, I will forget to bless your children.

Bible reference legal rights:
Matthew 12:29-30 “For who is powerful enough to enter the house of a strong man like Satan and plunder his goods? Only someone even stronger—someone who could tie him up and then plunder his house. “Anyone who isn’t with me opposes me, and anyone who isn’t working with me is actually working against me.”
Romans 7:1-6  “Now, dear brothers and sisters—you who are familiar with the law—don’t you know that the law applies only while a person is living?  For example, when a woman marries, the law binds her to her husband as long as he is alive. But if he dies, the laws of marriage no longer apply to her. So while her husband is alive, she would be committing adultery if she married another man. But if her husband dies, she is free from that law and does not commit adultery when she remarries.
So, my dear brothers and sisters, this is the point: You died to the power of the law when you died with Christ. And now you are united with the one who was raised from the dead. As a result, we can produce a harvest of good deeds for God. When we were controlled by our old nature, sinful desires were at work within us, and the law aroused these evil desires that produced a harvest of sinful deeds, resulting in death. But now we have been released from the law, for we died to it and are no longer captive to its power. Now we can serve God, not in the old way of obeying the letter of the law, but in the new way of living in the Spirit.”

Steps for Deliverance

1) You must renounce not only the incubus and succubus spirits that have entered into your life, but you must renounce their works. You need to verbally destroy and renounce and murder everything that they have conceived within you and caused you to give birth to. If you fail to do this they will always have access to you. You need to verbally renounce their demonic offspring and the seeds they planted in you.

2) Depending on your level of bondage and what you are involved in sexually, it may take some time and effort to get complete deliverance. It is likely that after step you will have other encounters. If you do have an encounter with a night demon – IMMEDIATELY ABORT WHAT THEY HAVE PLANTED YOU.

3) Break the spiritual marriage bond:
I break all spiritual ties of marriage to the spirit spouse. It was a deception and a lie to start out with. As a Christian we have the authority of Jesus Christ as J fight in His victory, the victory He won on the Cross. I denounce this spiritual wedding bond and break it of all rights over me. I only serve God our Heavenly Father through Jesus in the Holy Spirit. I put to death the spirits of lust, I bind them and all the seeds they planted in me and cast the spirit of lust and all their seeds to the foot of the cross of Jesus, that He may deal with them. In the Name of Jesus!
Bible references for legal authority:[15]

4) DON’T EVER LET AN ATTACK CARRY ON WITHOUT CHALLENGING THE SPIRITS! When an attack begins, say verbally and out loud something like, “I know what you are and what you are here for and I renounce you in Jesus name! My body does not belong to you. I have broken your bonds and any legal rights you have over me. I am the temple of the Holy Spirit and I command you to leave me right now in Jesus name! I do not receive your seed into me and will not give birth to your offspring of evil!” 
As long as you don’t have any obvious open doors in your life, this will usually immediately bring under subjection any assault that takes place while you are awake. This includes those incredibly overwhelming sexual urges that come over you and cause you to have spontaneous orgasms or commit an act of perversion such as masturbation,  pornography, or fornication.
As a side note to this step, sexual urges that are not demonic, a simple “mind over matter” approach is sufficient – think about something else, or involve yourself in an activity that requires you to concentrate on what you’re doing. Also, don’t kid yourself! Don’t expect this to work if you are still willfully watching pornography, horror films, listening to sex filled secular music, watching soap operas, reading horoscopes, etc…
Renounce and return any gifts or presents given to you by any person you had an immoral relationship with. [Sexual or lustful soul tie.]
 Demons don’t like to be challenged, they are seeking rest. You offer no challenge to them if you live a willfully carnal and sinful lifestyle — you become a place of rest for them and they are NOT about to leave!

5) For those attacks that occur while you are sleeping, renounce these spirits before you lay down and make it a point in your subconscious mind to wake up if you start to have a sex dream or nightmare. When you wake up, IMMEDIATELY ABORT ANYTHING THAT THEY MAY HAVE PLANTED IN YOU! This is so important. You cannot let their seeds grow in you. KILL THE SEED! And DO NOT REPEAT what you have dreamed about to at all (unless briefly when in a counseling situation)!!! They want you to speak it out because the power of life is in your tongue. Speaking it out gives birth to it. The words you say after an encounter can either give life to their seed, or bring death to their seed and that is why usually your first unction is to tell someone about it. Furthermore, don’t rehearse the dream in your mind. Cast down the very thought of it from your conscious and subconscious mind. This is so important (and remember this applies to nightmares too).

6) IT IS VERY, VERY IMPORTANT THAT YOU CONSECRATE YOURSELF!!! Every spirit must be cast out of your life and every door closed as much as you are capable of doing. That means that you do not wilfully involve yourself in anything at all that is sinful or ungodly. When you do fall or make a mistake, you must repent and get up quickly. Not that you will be perfect — no one is — but every sinful and carnal area of your life must be challenged to the max! This is especially true when you are in the midst of a deliverance process. That means that you should commit to fasting and praying, but also exclude every evil influence from your life — people, places, things, habits and ESPECIALLY the MEDIA.

7) Get and study the books on the subject. If you are experiencing these attacks, it makes it apparent that you do not have a full understanding of sexual perversion and how to walk in total deliverance. Remember that any weakness in your life will invite these spirits in to attack. You need to have a complete and full understanding of sexual intimacy, sexual activity, and sexual perversion – what it is, the purpose for it, and the remedy. No sexual stronghold will be able to stand in your life once you learn and apply the principles in the Bible. Furthermore, understanding these teachings will help you develop your intimate relationship with God and strengthen all of your relationships.

8) Lastly I remind you once again that incubus/succubus are lust demons. Lust is a force that is ever-present in the earth realm and therefore is not something that you can say, “I will never face this again.” Everyone is subject to the temptations and pressures of lust because it is the passion of satan’s heart, and he is the prince of the world. Not everyone will fall victim, but everyone is subject! Even after you are delivered, anytime that you are spiritually weak it is possible – not likely, but possible – for you to have an encounter with a night demon. If this does happen once you are delivered, just remember to implement the steps above and watch your level of consecration always. You especially want to be mindful of the media that you expose yourself to, the people who you are around and any subtle forms of witchcraft that may be in your life (like horoscopes or manipulation).
I know these steps will work because they worked for me! 

Feelings are not a trustworthy measuring gauge for true deliverance. It is true that you will feel better when deliverance has come, but you could feel better before it is complete too and be fooled.

Witchcraft can only be effective when there is some type of wilful sin in our lives.
If you’re a true Christian with no secrets and no open doors Demons cannot torment you or harass you.
- A Christian believer can be God fearing and can still carry strongholds and bondages of the past, that need to be dealt with, Christian ministers kept writing books about the matter to bring awareness though many Christians are still in denial. If a person does not get rid of the bondage and the strongholds of the past, the bad spirits/ demons keep interfering in one’s person’s life and tormenting and oppressing him/ her.
Luke 11:35-36 Make sure that the light you think you have, is not actually darkness. 
If you are filled with light, with no dark corners, then your whole life will be radiant, as though a floodlight were filling you with light.”
- Fear seems to go hand in hand with these experiences with sex spirits.

Practical: by faith, pray over your underwear (bless with holy water and anointing oil) and ask the Lord to anoint it with fire and let it represent his Blood.

Deliverance Prayers

In the name of Jesus, I break all spiritual ties of marriage to you, spirit spouse. It was a deception and a lie to start out with. As a Christian I have the authority of Jesus Christ as I fight in His victory, the victory He won on the Cross for me. I denounce this spiritual wedding bond and break it of all legal rights over me in the Name of Jesus. I only serve God our Heavenly Father through Jesus in the Holy Spirit. I put to death you spirits of lust, I bind you, all your demons of lust and all the seeds you planted in me. I cast all the spirits of lust and all your seeds to the foot of the cross of Jesus. In Jesus’ name, Amen!!!

In the name of Jesus I bind now this demon of lust, sexual perversion, rape and any molestation! I bind your powers satan and this demon who raped me and any other demons that were placed into me! I put the blood of Jesus at the root at which they came in! Forgive me Lord of my sin that opened the door! I wholly and sincerely repent! I close that door now! I seal it with the blood of Jesus and send them to you Jesus for judgment and forbid them to come back in any way, shape or form! In Jesus’ name!!!

If any incubus or succubus demons have been passed unto me through my family generations, I bind and cast them out now in the name of Jesus! I cut off the head of this demon king snake and all the rest of them below them! I spoil them now, those that are responsible for this in my heritage, this generational demon of perversion! I cut the head off this snake demon that is wrapped around my sexual organs, in the name of Jesus! I put the blood of Jesus at the root at which they came in! I close those doors now, right back to Adam!!! I seal them with the blood of Jesus! Send them to Jesus for judgment and forbid them to come back upon me or anyone else in my family!  Amen!

Pour out upon me now.....Your Holy Spirit, Lord to cleanse and purify my body, soul, mind and spirit from these demons! Go into the recesses of my memory bank in my mind, heart and gut and cleanse and purify me Lord! Erase those memories with your Holy Spirit eraser! May I never think of those thoughts again! Place your healing balm there, oh Lord, wash me and make me whiter than snow!

Pour out upon me your love, Jesus, to permeate every cell of my body, soul mind and spirit! I cut all negative and ungodly soul ties with all of my friends, family and enemies! I stand separate and apart from them all satan!! You cannot use their demons of lust to attack me or invade my body ever again! I forbid it now satan!!! I take authority over you and your demons! I put you and them under my feet in Jesus name!!!
Lord Jesus, heal me now and place a barrier of Your blood, a hedge of protection between me and these demonic forces that would try and invade my body while I sleep! Guard me Lord! Keep me safe in Your arms every night from this day forth! Thank you Jesus thank you! Amen and amen!!!!!! I seal this prayer with the blood of Jesus!

I proclaim Jesus Christ, Lord over all the adventures, circumstances, and difficulties of today. In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ, by the power of His Blood, in the authority of His Word given to me as a Christian, I bind and reject you Satan, and I command you to leave! I seal this place and all the members of my family, my relatives, animals and possessions, in the Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ.
I bind and reject all familiar spirits, all companion spirits and all carnal spirits, spirits of affliction, and all evil ministering spirits.
I bind and reject all spirits of the air, in the wind, in the fire, in the water, under the water, in the netherworld, in the elements and in all satanic forces of nature.
I bind and reject all spirits of confusion, all spirits of division, all spirits of disruption, and all spirits of fear, worry, and anxiety, all spirits of disbelief, spirits of unforgiveness, resentment, and anger, spirits of deaf and dumb, spirit of disobedience, spirit of games, spirit of control, and spirit of retaliation.
I bind and I reject all spirits and aspects and attributes of these spirits.
I bind and reject all interlocking spirits. I command that there will be no communication between you or anyone else. I command that you leave quietly and immediately go to the foot of the Cross of our Lord Jesus Christ.

I break and dissolve every curse, spell, hex evil wishes, evil desires, and hereditary seals. I come against all satanic vows, satanic pacts, satanic sacrifices, voodoo and Winti practices, mind control and Eastern religion practices.
In the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ, I break and dissolve all links with false prophets, false visionaries, false mystics, and with psychics, clairvoyance, astrologers, mediums, seers, satanic cults, fortune tellers, séances, Ouija Boards, Tarot Cards, and occult games of all kinds. In Jesus’ Name, if there is any interference in me, manifest yourself, I command you to go.
Come Holy Spirit and fill this place, corner to corner, ceiling to floor. Holy Mother Mary, Saint Michael, Saint Gabriel, Saint Raphael and all the Holy Archangels come and fight this battle for me. I ask the help of all the Holy Angels, Holy Dominations, Holy Powers, Holy Thrones, Holy Principalities, and my Guardian Angel be my shield of defense against all evil spirits. I ask this in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ by the Power of His Blood, in the authority given to me as a Christian.

Lord Jesus, I ask today for an in-filling of the Holy Spirit. Fill all the empty spaces within me with your peace, your love, your healing, and your joy. I also ask for an increase and release of all the gifts, power, and fruits of the Holy Spirit. The gift of Wisdom, Word of Knowledge, Gift of Faith, Gift of Healing, Miracles, Prophecy, Discernment of Spirits, Gift of Tongues, Interpretation of Tongues, Deliverance, Inner Healing, Gift of Teaching, Gift of Evangelization, Gift of Service, the Gift of Encouragement, Gift of Leadership, the Gift of Preaching, and the Gifts of Joy and Laughter so that I may use these gifts cheerfully and enjoy the abundant life You promised. Amen.

36. Excerpt from the Exorcism of Sr. Magdalena de la Cruz  1546

Sister Magdalena of the Cross admits to a 40 year pact with the devil
Next, an Inquisitor is sent to investigate the difficult matter by the express order of Cardinal Juan Pardo de Tavera, the Primate of Spain. He is much younger than the Rev. Don Juan of Cordova and he inspires her with confidence.
Sister Magdalena reveals to him that the beautiful dark-haired young man who appeared to her at the age of five was in fact the devil. He had promised her fame and the respect of everyone, if she would consent to obey him always.
It is also satan who leaves his mark by touching her two fingers which from then on stops growing. And it is also he who assists her with the simulation of ecstasies. Her cries in the night are in no way inspired by the ecstatic love that she has for the Creator, but by the demon’s evil caresses.

Upon hearing such disconcerting admissions, the Inquisitor is horrified and almost instinctively, he makes the sign of the Cross upon himself. Immediately, Sr. Magdalena starts to insult the priest with vile and repulsive words. She then begins to roll around the floor in her cell, and bites anything she can, while striking indecent poses and mimicking the vile copulations that she has performed with the demon Balban for nearly forty years. Because he is an experienced Inquisitor, the good monk had asked the older, more experienced nuns to stay in the corridor to write down the fallen Magdalena's words, so as to be able to document and later serve as witnesses. From here, Sr. Magdalena de la Cruz' case is well documented and quickly prepared.

The Exorcisms of Sister Magdalena begin
During the extended course of interrogations that were part of the ongoing exorcism during which Balban is very reluctantly dislodged from Magdalena, it is discovered that the most wicked and hideous means were used to undermine Magdalena’s soul as a child. It was believed that he originally chose her because she was in fact very pious and devoted to God, and so in his terrible wickedness he earnestly sought to despoil God of one of His favorites. But, we shall soon see how God wins triumphantly in the end.
During the ongoing exorcisms it is learned that when Magdalena became a young adult, the demon Balban ceased to appear to her as a beautiful young man, as he had been doing since she was age five. One night, when the young girl was waiting for him as usual, he presented himself to her in the form of a shimmering mist which condenses and takes the form of a very tall man with long hair, who radiates a reddish light. She cries out “Jesus”, but this, of course, greatly displeases Balban, who lifts her with his burning hand and drops her on the ground. She is then forced to contemplate this horrid creature who now rises before her in a horrible metamorphisis, from a man into a vile beast. The infernal creature is repulsive and the possessed nun describes in horror his wide, flat nose, his twisted horns and his toothless mouth. He commanded her to immediately become his wife, and he assures her that she will not lose her virginity, and he promises that her apparent sainthood would only grow in measure with the supposed unimaginable pleasures that she would enjoy with him. Lacking in spiritual fortitude; vanquished, Magdalena then gives in, and it is again the dark-haired, and very attractive young man that she now receives in her.
Next she confesses that it was also the devil who came to feed her in secret, and that she had really been pregnant by him. She had been told by him that she risked nothing if she followed his instructions. It was to play a joke by troubling the minds of the nuns and the Spanish clergy and laity that he had made her pregnant with an monstrous caterpillar, which escaped from her body with a loud wind, before changing into Balban, and re-possessing her with unprecedented strength.

A few holy and well known individuals were not fooled
And so it is that the whole of Christendom discovers with horror that she of whom most everyone thought was God’s most-beloved, was in fact the most-beloved creature of the devil. Yet some of Sr. Magdalena's
contemporaries were not so easily fooled by her false mysticism, like the great St Ignatius Loyola who was incredulous and in 1541, it is said that he severely reproved Martin de la Santa Cruz, who endeavored to win him over towards Sr. Magdalena, for accepting exterior signs without seeking for the true interior ones; and the great St John of Avila (who is soon to be declared a Doctor of the Church) was also very sceptical and, when he was in Cordova, he was discreetly denied access to her.
Sr. Magdalena of the Cross becomes like her namesake, St. Mary Magdalene and deeply repents of the demons that were possessing her.
As the Scriptures relate, Jesus had cast out seven horrible demons that were possessing St. Mary Magdalene,(Mark 16:9) and she became known as the great, repentant sinner. Tradition tells us that she spent the rest of her life in a cave making penance and reparation for her manifold sins, and she became a most extraordinary Saint. In fact, Jesus chose St Mary Magdalene to be one of the first witnesses to His glorious
Resurrection, as Holy Scripture tells us.

37.                      Names of Night Demons

Alal (Chaldean mythology) typically described to be crowned with dark hair, large lustrous eyes and a round doll-like complexion, a sexual demon.

Asmodai/Asmodeus is the demon of lust and is therefore responsible for twisting people’s sexual desires.  (Jewish folklore and Christian mythology)

Astaroth Astarte (Ishtar) demon of fertility, love, war, and sex (Christian demonology)

Balam (Christian demonology)Balam is depicted as being three-headed. One head is the head of a bull, the second of a man, and the third of a ram. He has flaming eyes and the tail of a serpent. He carries a hawk on his fist and rides a strong bear. At other times he is represented as a naked man riding a bear.

Eldonna- Incubus and succubus: perverted sexual demons

Hat Man – This This demon spirit is the most common seen. It is associated with the following: The Occult -New Age – Witchcraft – Digi’mon – Ouja Boards. Some authors think this is the devil himself. (Also see shadow person)
Haures/Flauros/Flavros/Hauras/Havres (Christian demonology)Commonly people represent him as a humanoid leopard with big claws. Flauros is depicted as a terrible and strong leopard that under request of the conjurer changes into a man with fiery eyes and an awful expression. Flauros can also supposedly be called upon when a mortal wishes to take vengeance on other demons.

Incubus (Christian demonology, Chaldean mythology, Jewish folklore) Pic  A demon who has sex with woman at night and sometimes during the day. Another effect these spirits have on people is causing overwhelming sexual urges in the body. This class of demon is also responsible for sex dreams: those are dreams during which you are engaged in sexual contact or intercourse, or dreams in which your body has a spontaneous orgasm. And one much less obvious manifestation is nightmares – realistic, graphic, heart-stopping nightmares that rob you of sleep and make you awake frightened.

Jezebel  became associated with false prophets and lust. WHOREDOM

Labal a small black demon with demonic energy flowing from his eyes. He is a vampiric demon.

Leonard – grand-master of the nocturnal orgies of demons, incubus demon.

Orias/Oriax (Christian demonology)He knows and teaches the virtues of the stars and the mansions of the planets (the influence of each planet depending on the astrological sign in which it is in a specific moment and the influence of that sign on an individual depending on how the zodiac was configured at the moment of his/her birth or at the moment of asking a question to the astrologist)

Python   Divination and Witchcraft Python is the spirit of divination which empowers crystal ball readers, palm readers, tarot card readers, etc. to see into the future.
Shadow Person / Hat Man  The Hat Man also seems to take pleasure in the terror he causes and witnesses have reported the feeling that the Hat Man is somehow feeding off of their fear. The devil himself.

Succubus (Sumerian mythology, Akkadian mythology, Jewish folklore, Christian demonology)  A succubus is a female demon or supernatural entity in folklore (traced back to medieval legend) that appears in dreams and takes the form of a woman in order to seduce men, usually through sexual activity. A succubus may or may not appear in dreams and is often depicted as a highly attractive seductress or enchantress; Those in bondage can be free.

Ukobach (Christian demonology) Pic He is shown with a flaming or red body, large eyes and ears and often a pan full of coals or hot poker.

Zozo, Zaza (A Ouija Board Demon)   – May take years, but he will begin to speak in the minds of people who have played Ouija Boards driving them crazy. In ancient times this was the  demon Pazuzu. Also, the demon behind Charlie Charlie craze. One thing of importance that I must share is Zozo has shown perverse sexual attractions to females bring with it an incubus. Zozo is also attracted to people with suicidal tendencies, depression, and other psychological disorders.

Charisma Magazine

Can demons engage in sexual activity with humans?

As bizarre as it sounds, those who minister to people in occult bondage say it's more common than you think.
For nearly two decades, Contessa Adams felt as though she had no power against the demonic violators of her body. She felt trapped in secrecy and shame and knew that the demons tormenting her wanted things to stay that way.
But God had another agenda for Adams when she found Christ in 1979. The former stripper has a ministry through which she exposes one of Satan's darkest secrets—sexual demons.

These spiritual rapists, as Adams describes them in her book, “Consequences”, often prey on people by performing sexual acts through nightmares and erotic dreams. Some people become so dependent upon these demonic experiences that they actually look forward to them.

"Anybody that has been attacked by them will tell you ... they're worried [that] they could not find that pleasure with mortal people," says Adams, who claims she was once possessed by sexual demons.

The two most identifiable sexual demons are the incubus, which is a male sexual demon that traditionally assaults women, and the succubus, which is a female sexual demon that assaults men. Sometimes they also lure people into homosexual behavior.
Adams notes that one evangelist, whose name she would not divulge, was so troubled by the sexual pleasure the succubus gave her that she even contemplated suicide.
Adams says the succubus spirit that used to attack her confused her so much that she contemplated becoming a lesbian.

"Unless you're strong enough to rebuke it, they'll keep coming back," she says. "You must speak the Word of God, knowing you have power in the name of Jesus."
Eddie Smith, the president of U.S. Prayer Track and a respected leader in deliverance ministry, believes that experiences like Adams' are common. He and his wife, Alice, have ministered to "at least hundreds" of people suffering from demonic sexual attacks.
"Many people don't realize that there is even historic documentation of this," Smith told Charisma. He says that it is especially common in pagan religions such as Santería and voodoo because people who practice those religions invoke demons to come and interact with them.

Adams believes the most valuable tool against these sexual demons is based on Matthew 12:44, which speaks of when a demon is cast out and then looks to return, but finds the house is clean, swept and in order. People must have their houses in order so that a demon can no longer gain entrance, Adams says. It is a part of the reprogramming process that takes place when an individual submits his or her life to God.
"The Holy Spirit has to reprogram you. If you're not programmed for obedience, it's hard to do so," she teaches. "Once you come out of that world, you're learning what you can do and what you cannot do. With the Holy Spirit, if [you] go to touch that fire, He will quicken you and tell you, 'No.'"

Adams also notes that disobedience also produces fear, which is another tool Satan uses.
Adams says: "Fear is their forerunner. If you get paralyzed by fear, they actually will come and rape you. But if you draw near to God, Satan has to flee. Satan's job is to suggest that you not draw near to God, so that he does not have to flee."
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[1] Abnormally strong sexual desire. A condition in which a person is obsessed with another person and unreasonably believes that person to be in love with her/him.

[2] In his book Eros and Evil, R. E. L. Masters remarked on the scant amount of records from the Inquisition concerning the experiences of men who succumbed to seductive succubi in contrast to the enormous number of recorded instances in which women yielded to the sexual attentions of the incubi. Such lack of reports did not imply that succubi were less seductive than incubi, but rested on the belief of the inquisitors and clergy of the day that women were "naturally inclined to vice…and would always put up defences more feeble than those offered by males." 

[3] Paul's Second Epistle to the Corinthians is more generally agreed to refer to the astral planes;[22] "I know a man in Christ, fourteen years ago, (whether in the body I know not, or out of the body I know not, God knows) such a one caught up to the third heaven..."Many saints in history of the Catholic have bi-located. As [Padre Pio]
According to this view, the ‘sons of God’ of verses 2 and 4 are fallen angels, which have taken the form of masculine human-like creatures. These angels married women of the human race (either Cainites or Sethites) and the resulting offspring were the Nephilim. The Nephilim were giants with physical superiority and therefore established themselves as men of renown for their physical prowess and military might. This race of half human creatures was wiped out by the flood, along with mankind in general, who were sinners in their own right (verse 6:11,12).

[5] Mark 9:17-18 One of the men in the crowd spoke up and said, “Teacher, I brought my son so you could heal him. He is possessed by an evil spirit that won’t let him talk. 18And whenever this spirit seizes him, it throws him violently to the ground. Then he foams at the mouth and grinds his teeth and becomes rigid.d So I asked your disciples to cast out the evil spirit, but they couldn’t do it.
[6] Genesis 32:24-26 This left Jacob all alone in the camp, and a man came and wrestled with him until the dawn began to break.25When the man saw that he would not win the match, he touched Jacob’s hip and wrenched it out of its socket. 26Then the man said, “Let me go, for the dawn is breaking!” Genesis 32:24-26But Jacob said, “I will not let you go unless you bless me.”
[7] Hosea 12:4 Yes, he wrestled with the angel and won. He wept and pleaded for a blessing from him. There at Bethel he met God face to face, and God spoke to him--
[8] 1 John 2: 15-17 Do not love this world nor the things it offers you, for when you love the world, you do not have the love of the Father in you. For the world offers only a craving for physical pleasure, a craving for everything we see, and pride in our achievements and possessions. These are not from the Father, but are from this world. And this world is fading away, along with everything that people crave. But anyone who does what pleases God will live forever.”
[9] Mark 10:8..and the two shall become one flesh.’ So they are no longer two but one flesh.” Through sexual intercourse, you become spiritually one with the other person opening the door to receive all the demons that inhabit the other.
 Just as you would to contract a sexual transmitted disease, the risk is very high.
[10] Babies that are born with both male and female sexual organs, or characteristics of both organs, are called hermaphrodites or intersex. A child who is in an intersexual state is classified in one of three categories: 1) true hermaphrodite – an infant born with both ovaries and testicles and has both male and female sex organs. 2) female pseudohermaphrodite – a genetic female with male external sex organs. 3) male pseudohermaphrodite – a genetic male with external sex organs that fail to develop properly, resulting in female or male/female physical characteristics.
[11][11] Also bi-location – story of Pater Amadaus in Tegelen, Netherlands
[12] Also if a woman makes a vow to the Lord, and binds herself by an obligation in her father’s house in her youth,4and her father hears her vow and her obligation by which she has bound herself, and her father says nothing to her, then all her vows shall stand and every obligation by which she has bound herself shall stand. 5“But if her father should forbid her on the day he hears of it, none of her vows or her obligations by which she has bound herself shall stand; and the Lord will forgive her because her father had forbidden her.”
[13] Proverbs 7:23 an arrow that pierces the liver.. (The liver is on the right side of the body.)
According to this view, the ‘sons of God’ of verses 2 and 4 are fallen angels, which have taken the form of masculine human-like creatures. These angels married women of the human race (either Cainites or Sethites) and the resulting offspring were the Nephilim. The Nephilim were giants with physical superiority and therefore established themselves as men of renown for their physical prowess and military might. This race of half human creatures was wiped out by the flood, along with mankind in general, who were sinners in their own right (verse 6:11,12).

[15] Matthew 12:29-30 For who is powerful enough to enter the house of a strong man like Satan and plunder his goods? Only someone even stronger—someone who could tie him up and then plunder his house. [We are in the authority of Jesus as a Christian] 30“Anyone who isn’t with me opposes me, and anyone who isn’t working with me is actually working against me.
Romans 7:1-6 1Now, dear brothers and sisters—you who are familiar with the law—don’t you know that the law applies only while a person is living?  For example, when a woman marries, the law binds her to her husband as long as he is alive. But if he dies, the laws of marriage no longer apply to her. So while her husband is alive, she would be committing adultery if she married another man. But if her husband dies, she is free from that law and does not commit adultery when she remarries.
So, my dear brothers and sisters, this is the point: You died to the power of the law when you died with Christ. And now you are united with the one who was raised from the dead. As a result, we can produce a harvest of good deeds for God. 5When we were controlled by our old nature, sinful desires were at work within us, and the law aroused these evil desires that produced a harvest of sinful deeds, resulting in death. But now we have been released from the law, for we died to it and are no longer captive to its power. Now we can serve God, not in the old way of obeying the letter of the law, but in the new way of living in the Spirit.